Keep it moving!

mom excersizing

I was so afraid of becoming more of a couch potato when I started staying home.  I love to sit on the couch and watch TV.  But when I was working I needed that time to unwind and decompress.  Now I have all the time in the day to do that.  So I keep it moving now.  I stand more than I sit.  I try to keep moving throughout the day and I also throw in a little dancing now and then.  My kids like the cartoons that have lots of music, so when the music starts we dance!  I try to only sit on the couch when it’s nap time.  Then we have a little cuddle time too!

cute workout fairy

I am not saying I exercise 12 hours a day.  I really don’t like to exercise in the typical sense.  I think it is so boring!  I like to put on my favorite show or the kids favorite show and clean my house or jump on the elliptical for a while.



I find the best way to burn calories and keep moving is to take the kids outside.  Or do they take me outside?  I have trouble keeping them in sometimes.  They love to run and scream their fool heads off outside and I let them, because we live in the middle of nowhere and it’s fun!  Sometimes I chase them around the yard or we just go for a walk.


The best workout in my opinion is raking leaves.  I am usually ready for a nap when I am done with that job!  It burns calories and makes the yard look pretty.

kids and excersizing

I don’t do a total Yoga workout, but I love to stretch out my back and do some of the poses.  My kids are usually under me or hanging off of me at some point during the routine.  This picture made me smile.



Really?  This is so true!  Give yourself a break.  We can’t be everything to everyone every second of the day.  You are who you are and that is that.  Be happy and content that you have given everything you can give.  And if you mess up, do better tomorrow.  Isn’t this what we tell our kids all the time, but when we make a mistake we can’t seem to forgive ourselves or just let it go.  Follow your own parental advice and learn from your mistakes, but do not keep beating yourself up for them!


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